Mental Health

Bhavan’s Suruchi Kendra organized an Experiential session on Creative Movement Therapy online on Zoom on Monday 29th June 2020.
The above session was open to all adults and nearly 80 people showed their interest and got registered.
The purpose of this workshop was to bring awareness amongst people about Creative Movement therapy which works with the mind body connection, it uses personal movement language and dance for health and wellness. It works on the principles of providing people opportunity to express emotions, relieve stress, improve self esteem and self confidence and encourage creativity and imagination.
The above workshop was organized keeping in view the prevailing pandemic which is playing havoc with the mental health of the people.
The workshop provided the participants an insight to the therapy which if practiced provides an opportunity to open up and connect with themselves overcoming inhibitions encouraging understanding of self and relieving stress.
The session was conducted by Dr. Chirmi Acharya who is a certified facilitator for this therapy from CMTAI and CID-UNESCO. Besides this she is a doctorate in clinical psychology, (presently working with Amity University as a faculty) an Ex-Bhavanite (2008 batch) and an accomplished Bharatnatyam Dancer .
In the 80 minute session which was consistently attended by nearly 65 participants the resource person conducted an experiential session by demonstrating and making the participants experience different kind of movements in the background of slow music. She also indulged the participants in 2 activities one was to enact the movements we perform during different time of the day and another was to draw on paper how one is feeling at that moment and express the same in front of the group.
The idea was to connect the mind with the body movement and feelings thereby releasing anxiety and stress.
The participants consisted of teachers, college students, clinical psychologist, special educators and administrators.
Overall we got a good response and feedback.
Be kind to your mind
In the midst of the Pandemic Suruchi Kendra organized a workshop on Mental health “BE KIND TO YOUR MIND”
The objective of the workshop was to bring awareness amongst the people about their mental health. So much was happening around and people were stressed. A live session on Face book was organized on 20thSeptember 2020 at 5pm. Two clinical psychologist Dr Chirmi Acharya and Ms. Paribha Sharma were in conversation and discussed possible solutions to common mental problems like stress, depression &anxiety. Nearly 20 people logged in and raised a few queries.