Mini Hall


Mini Hall

(Under Joint Venture)


Guidelines for the hiring of Suruchi Kendra Mini Hall

  1. Features: The Suruchi Kendra hall is 42ftx32ftx10ft in size. It has a well-designed permanent stage of 32ft x 16ft x 1.5ft in size. It is air-conditioned and well furnished with a seating capacity of 90 chairs. The hall is well equipped with stage lights, podium, and a public address system. (two mikes , amplifier and speakers)
  2. The hall will be available for activities at the discretion of the management which are academic, social, recreational and cultural in nature on such days and time when it is not being used by Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. The hall will not be rented out for weddings, parties, political events, fashion shows and family get together.
  3. Timings: The hall will be available normally between 9am to 9pm.
  4. Rent: The rent will Rs 5000.00 for a minimum period of 3 hours. additional charges will be@Rs.1500 per hour. If the hall is required a day before for rehearsals/arrangements the same will be charged @Rs.1000 per hour. G.ST or any other tax will be payable by the party on the rental amount. The hall will be available one hour prior to the program for preparation etc FREE OF COST.
  5. Security Deposit: On acceptance of the application the applicant shall immediately deposit a sum of Rs.5000 (five thousand only) as security money along with the booking amount. The security amount will be refunded after the program on receiving an application for the same. In case the applicant overstays or some damage is done then security will be refunded after necessary deductions.
  6. Payments: All payments will be accepted in the form of cheque drawn in favour of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Jaipur Kendra, or via direct bank transfer by NEFT .The details of bank given below account name- BVB Jaipur Kendra, A/C no. 07022010006290. IFSC Code; PUNB0070210.
  7. Procedure for Booking: Booking forms will be available at the Suruchi Kendra office inside the auditorium on all working days between 10am to 3pm. Completely filled form along with a cheque of the booking amount and the security deposit should be submitted at Suruchi Kendra office. Your booking will be confirmed via SMS. You can collect the receipt of the amount deposited from our office.
  8. Cancellation Policy: Once the hall is booked by paying the requisite amount cancellation charges will be applicable. If cancellation is done 3days before no refund will be made, 7days prior-50% will be refunded, 10days prior-75%will be refunded, 20days prior token amount of RS 500 shall be deducted rest will be refunded.
  9. The applicant will not be allowed to change the program for which the booking had been made. If the management feels that the applicant had furnished false information the same shall have the right to intervene and cancel the program, the applicant shall not be entitled to any compensation or claim if they incur any losses due to cancellation.
  10. The applicant will not transfer the booking to any other party nor will be allowed to sub-let any portion of the hall.
  11. Change of Date: This will be treated as cancelled and cancellation policy rules shall apply. Booking for new date will have to be paid for in full at the time of booking.
  12. Catering: No catering will be permitted inside the hall. However simple tea/coffee biscuits may be served outside the hall. Drinking water arrangement will be made by providing 2 big campers. Any other kind of arrangement like water bottles, disposable glasses etc will have to be made by the applicants.
  13. Staff: Normally a clerical staff of Suruchi Kendra will be available for assistance. Any other kind of staff like peon for serving water or loading or unloading of material will not be provided. Organizers will have to make their own arrangements.
  14. Parking: Parking will be available inside the campus for the convenience of the visitors. Kindly cooperate with the guard by following instructions. No vehicle will be allowed beyond the parking barricade. Visitors will be responsible for the safety of their vehicles. One guard will be provided for the purpose.

Other instructions to follow:

  1. The organizers will have to follow the protocols/instructions /guidelines issued by the city magistrate, state government and central government from time to time very strictly. The administration shall have the right to intervene for strict compliance of the above.
  2. The total strength of people at any given time shall not exceed 100 persons.
  3. Maintenance, safety and security of the hall and its furniture will be the sole responsibility of the organizers. Failing which appropriate amount may be deducted from the security deposit.
  4. Applicants will not be allowed to tamper or move any article of Suruchi Kendra. Any extra furniture, lights, mikes etc required by the organizers must be with permission.
  5. No extra decoration will be allowed inside the hall. Use of Posters, pins, tapes, banners are prohibited except at the designated place.
  6. Smoking, use of pan & pan masala and bringing Non-vegetarian food to the campus is strictly prohibited.
  7. Every effort will be made by us to maintain the services of air-conditioners, light &sound system. If for some unforeseen reasons they fail, money will not be refunded or any compensation will be paid to the applicant if any loss is sustained by them.
  8. The management or authorized persons shall have full authority to enter the hall during the occupation of the same by the party.
  9. The management will not be responsible for any losses incurred by the organizers on any account.
  10. Party will have to remove all the banners and posters and make the place clean as it was taken.

Maintenance of discipline & Noise level

Suruchi Kendra hall is located inside the school campus, Party must ensure low noise level and maintain proper decorum and discipline. Loitering around in the campus by the participants will not be allowed.